Hell Space China Heaven

Hell Space China Heaven

Being a parent is hard. My son has found my youtube channel and subscribed to it. And theres a certain amount of swearing and (virtual) decapitation and dismemberment happening in many of my videos. I was about nine years old when I played Doom for the first time and I dont think that footage of Warframe or Space Marines will induce nightmares in kids. I also dont believe in censorship and I like to swear. And lets face it - no matter how many times we tell our kids not to cuss and swear like pirates, theyre gonna do it among their friends, anyway. I know I did. And once you reach a certain age you just stop giving a fuck, so why make such a big deal out of it? Swearing is a big and important part of my job, it makes my column what it is and pays my bills, so I shouldnt be too worried when my kid hears me swearing about stuff on Youtube, right? Then again, Im not sure his mother would agree with me here - or his teachers, for that matter. I never gave much of a fuck about these things (Ive interviewed the lead producer of Star Trek Online about tribble urethras), but things change when youre supposed to be a role model. Swearing and not worrying about how people react to it works for me, but maybe it isnt such a good idea to pass on this kind of attitude. I find it fun and strangely liberating, but... hm, complicated stuff, really.

Im beating tier 30 rifts in Diablo 3 now.